4 Ways To Spicing Up Your Spice Cabinet
Restore Calm To Your Kitchen
When you’re a busy working parent, making dinner is rarely a relaxing experience.
It’s made even worse when you can’t find the garlic powder and little Jimmy is pulling at your pant leg.
I can’t cure your Jimmy problem, but organizing your spice cabinet? I’m all over this.
Here are my 4 simple hacks to organizing and finding everything you need in your spice cabinet.
Organizing Spices With A Tiered Shelf
The easiest way to keeping spices at your fingertips is to organize them with a tiered shelf. Think of these shelves as stadium seating for spices.
Tiered shelves like this help you see your entire spice collection in a single glance. Say goodbye to riffling through dozens of spice jars until you find the one you need.
Pro Tips:
Alphabetizing. Take the heat up a notch by alphabetizing your spices. It will make finding the Turmeric way easier.
Spacing. Space jars so that you can easily spot labels for each of the tiers – and make room for sausage fingers to grab what they need.
Matching jars. Yes, matching glass spice jars are all the rage on Instagram and Pinterest. Will they look pretty? Absolutely. Will they make your space more functional? Nope. For as pretty as they are on the eyes, the ongoing maintenance with this organizing system is not for the faint of heart.
Adjusting Shelves For A Perfect Fit
Adjusting shelves is one of the most overlooked – and zero dollar – ways to bringing organization and function to a cabinet. Adjustable shelves are there for a reason. Adjust them!
If you have loads of unused vertical space between shelves, you know what you need to do.
Lazy Susans Are Key For Shorties
Lazy Susans are an organizing game changer for shorties like me. Gone are the days of standing on all tips and reaching as far as your arms will take you to get your hands on that one spice jar that always seems to be at the very back corner of the cabinet.
Lazy Susans are your answer. Get yourself one (or two) to keep your items neatly organized and within easy reach. It’s also worth noting that they’re oddly fun to spin.
Pro Tip: Place jars with labels facing facing forward so you can easily spot spices as they spin past you.
For Those In The Back(stock)
Ever inexplicably find yourself with 3 open jars of parsley? Save yourself some money by keeping a back stock bin at the top of your cabinet.
Put all dupes here and check it before running to the grocery store for more spices. Chances are that there’s another jar of parsley waiting for you there.
An Organized Spice Cabinet Doesn’t Have To Be Complicated
At the end of the day, if you’re tired of digging through cluttered cabinets bursting with spices and wasting money on spices that you know you already have but just can’t find, these simple organizing hacks are for you.
As for little Jimmy, that’s a topic for another day.