Organizing Hacks For A Small Laundry Room


Laundry is a boring enough task without the added stress of having to do it in a small space. If you’re one of the many, like me, that has to deal with a cramped laundry room, I come bearing help.

Today I’m sharing 5 small changes that I made to my small laundry room that have had a big impact in making this space feel much more calm and organized.

1. A Home For The Small Things

One of the biggest (and easiest!) changes you can make to help your small laundry room feel more organized is to get rid of what you don’t need.

If you have more cleaning products than you can count littering the tops of your washer and dryer, it’s time to check your inventory.

Here, you’ll want to do two things:

  1. Keep only the product that you actually use – i.e. ones you’ve used it in the last month. Anything else should get the ol’ heave ho.

  2. For everything that stays, showcase them with pretty organizing product.

Pretty organizing product doesn’t have to be expensive. In my space, this meant:

  1. An acrylic lazy susan to hold my three remaining cleaning products

  2. A single clear glass canister to hold my now unboxed baking soda

As a professional organizer, I had these organizing supplies already sitting in my house, but buying these new would have been less than $20. The joy you’ll get seeing each of these products in their new home will be priceless.


2. Retractable Drying Rack

Anyone else using that big whopping foldable clothes rack from IKEA? You know, the one that you jam in the corner of the room and hope it doesn’t fall over in the middle of the night? It’s time to trade that baby in.

In fact, it’s time to trade those pesky floor racks altogether in favor of wall ones.

Yes, wall ones. Retractable wall racks like this one from mDesign install right into your wall and might just be the best organizing hack of all time for small laundry rooms. Pull them out when you need them and fold them back towards the wall when not in use.

The simple act of using wall space instead of your floor will make your space feel instantly more organized.


3. Over The Door Ironing Board Organizer

Similarly, big clunky ironing boards are a great way to clutter up a small space FAST. One laundry organizing hack that most home organizers swear by are these over-the-door ironing board organizers. If you’re really lucky, you can find one that holds your iron, too. Talk about a great decluttering 2-for-1.

These organizing systems are so handy that you might just forget that you even own an ironing board. Or, maybe that’s just my excuse.


4. Overhead Shelving

Let’s be real: most of us are not the beneficiaries of beautiful custom cabinets in our laundry room. If you fall into this no cabinet group, there is still organizing hope for you. My favorite inexpensive decluttering go-to are wire shelves. You can get these at almost any home improvement store and you’re often only looking at $35 in materials and a little bit of elbow grease to make some decluttering magic happen.

Use this newfound vertical storage to store backstock household items like extra laundry detergent, bulky laundry baskets, lightbulbs and batteries.


5. Baskets For Backstock

If you want to add a little design flair to your space, keep backstock and miscellaneous household items in pretty decorative baskets. Not only will this add a sense of calm to your space, but it will also help to keep all of these small items together and organized.

A Spacious (Or At Least More Usable) Laundry Room Awaits

So there you have it: 5 simple and inexpensive organizing hacks for making your laundry room more spacious and decluttered. The boring task of actually doing the laundry…well, you’re on your own, friend.

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